Kim Wasley Psychologist
Kim Wasley Psychologist
An unprecedented number of people are reporting feeling exhausted. Many factors contribute to this in our modern lifestyle and the pressures we face.
Another reason is globalisation, the interconnectedness of people and places worldwide, and social media, which brings images of disaster and suffering into our lounge room. Many people report having an underlying foreboding or “sense of doom.” This is not surprising given global warming and climate change are directly impacting our everyday lives, some even experiencing its disastrous effects.
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.
Fatigue is more than just feeling tired; itis a complex sensation with various causes, ranging from physical to psychological factors. It can manifest as mental weariness, physical weakness, or both, Common contributors to fatigue include inadequate sleep, stress, poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, and underlying health conditions. Recognising the root cause of your fatigue is the first step toward effectively addressing it.
Few people realise that emotional energy is much the same as physical energy and is finite. It “runs out”. We know when to stop exercising or pause to take a breath because our physical body lets us know in no uncertain terms when it’s tired or “had enough”. Emotional fatigue is much the same and shows up as symptoms in our body. Warning signs that we are to stop doing what we’re doing, or the body will stop us by shouting louder in the form of excess fatigue, pain, or injury.
By taking proactive steps to address emotional fatigue, you can protect your mental health and build resilience in the face of life’s challenges.
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